Public lockers are available on the 2nd Floor of the Noel Memorial Library for faculty, staff, and students for semester-long checkouts with a valid university ID or official identification card. Locker keys are available for checkout at the Circulation Desk on the first floor.
- Lockers are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Any lockers for which the key is not returned to the Circulation/Reserves Desk will be emptied after 3 days, and the locker contents will be stored in the Libraries' Lost and Found for 30 days, with the exception of library books which will be returned to circulation.
- Materials kept in lockers are the responsibility of the user. The Library is not responsible for the contents of the locker.
- No hazardous or illegal objects may be stored in lockers.
- Library materials stored in your locker MUST be checked out to your library account.
- Violation of these rules may result in suspension of privileges.