Computer Use, Printing, and Scanning Policies


The Library offers 40 desktop PCs for student, faculty, and staff use with printing capability as well as photocopiers and touchscreen scanning stations. Students are allotted 100 prints per semester in the library. The campus wide lab and other labs on campus have separate allotments. 

Refunds for Copiers

  • Refunds for photocopies or workstation prints will only be given after it is determined that the error is machine related.
  • If a document is copied or printed in batch, patrons should always make an initial test copy. Unless it is determined that the machine produced the errors during the batch printing, the library will only issue a refund for the first copy. The library is not responsible for subsequent erroneous copies if the document could be corrected by the user or library staff.

Public Users

Three PCs are set aside for use by alumni, members of the public, and visiting researchers. One PC is available in each of the following locations: Noel Collection, NWLA Archives, Library First Floor/Gov Docs Collection.


  • These PC provide access to the internet and limited access to basic productivity applications (such as word processing). Users must save their work to a portable USB drive. All work saved to the computer is deleted when the user session ends.
  • Printing services are not available at public-access PCs.
  • Alumni and public patrons may use the reserved computer on the library first floor and are granted 75 minutes of access per session. If there is no waiting list, patrons may extend access in 15 minute increments for up to 120 minutes of access in one session per day.
  • Visiting researchers with appointments in the Noel Collection or NWLA Archives are granted 180 minutes of access per session. They may request extended time up to 480 minutes over 2 sessions per day.
  • All patrons must abide by LSU, LSUS, and Noel Memorial Library policies for conduct and computer use. Patrons who violate these policies or disturb other library patrons may be denied renewals or extensions, may be asked to leave and/or may have PC access privileges revoked.


  • Last Updated Aug 21, 2024
  • Views 164
  • Updated by Sarah Mazur

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