Troubleshooting an E-book that Says It's in Use and I Can't Access or Download Chapters
Troubleshooting an E-book that Says It's in Use and I Can't Access or Download Chapters
Some of our e-books and e-textbook licenses limit the number of people who can read and use the book at the same time. If you cannot download or view an e-book, you can check to see if the user limit has been reached. if the limit has been reached, we suggest trying again later (usually an hour is enough time.)
To learn more, read through the steps below or watch the tutorial included here starting at 7:15.
Checking on User Limits
Each e-book provider places this information in a different location; usually it is easy to find at the top or bottom of the e-book record and may look like this:
If the Concurrent User Level shows 0 copies available, wait until another user is done and then you can access the e-book.
If you see "Unlimited User Access," you do not need to worry about the number of copies available. You will always be able to access the book.
Answered By: Sarah Mazur
Last Updated: May 22, 2024 Views: 148
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